Stopping Deforestation in Finland

carbon sequestration per tree

Fighting deforestation with technology in Finland (Europe).
The regional practice of clear-cut logging, patch cutting and comparable regional practices hurt the local ecosystem.
Our carbon offset project helps preserve biodiversity and the natural heritage by supporting the management of private owned forest.

Covering 40 hectares in the north of Finland, this project achieves greenhouse gas emission reductions by avoiding the release of carbon associated with timber harvesting, road building and other forestry operations.
Conservation management activities for ecosystem protection and habitat enhancement are also in place, thus benefiting biodiversity and helping sustain a healthy and functional forest ecosystem.

Using Technology to digitalize and protect every single tree

Our drones are able to scan more than 800 hectares of forest land per day. For our Pilot, we focused on a smaller plot of 40 Ha to fully validate our entire process.
Once collected, the data and image footage of the trees are processed through our AI optimized cloud software. Then added as tokenized carbon credits assets to the CO2.CAPITAL vault. From the vault, the carbon credits become immediately tradable.
Offsetters can then buy these tokenized carbon credits directly on our website and store them in their own wallets. These CO2.CAPITAL certificate tokens will certify the emissions offset and provide the traceability of each single carbon credit.

lidar tree scan
Lidar drone tree scan. Image by CO2.CAPITAL AG

Market innovation

we work with family, industrial and tribal landowners to generate carbon credits which provide real financial value, increase and diversify revenues for timber landowners.
Apart from generating the highest quality carbon credits, our projects also provide a host of socio-economic “co-benefits” to the local communities where these projects are implemented in an industrial way that is both ecologically and socially responsible.

drone scanning
Drone tree scanning. Image by CO2.CAPITAL AG
Finland AAA Carbon Credit
Tokenized carbon credit NFT. View on CO2.CAPITAL Blockchain

Cost effective solution

Costs vary according to project type, scale, and complexity. All upfront costs are taken care of by CO2.CAPITAL, including token issuance costs. Additional costs come from project implementation, third-party reviews by approved validation and verification bodies, certification review fees are paid out of the profit generated by trading the carbon credits represented by the digitalized trees.
Our certification provides additional long-term benefits when the forest health has been verified over a 12-month period through satellite imagery. More frequent extreme weather events and hurricanes can also impact the health and diversity of the forest. This project aims to mitigate environmental impacts caused by forest exploitation; restore areas with severe erosion or those affected by disease, fire, and pests; and protect and prevent damage by fires, grazing, and illegal use of forest resources. The landowner locally manages the project.

Thomas Unger
@tom.unger13 - 15 Nov, 2021

CO2.CAPITAL - Our very first drone scanned project. Many additional projects to follow this success in Finland and around Europe. Stay tuned, more to come!

Project Data

Contribute to UN Sustainable Goals

Forests are among the planet's most important CO2 reservoirs and are home to enormous biodiversity. Forests are also the basis of life for all humans. However, global forest areas have declined sharply in recent decades due to increasing settlement, agricultural use, illegal logging and raw material extraction.

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