Green Carbon Credits Technology

Graphic text: "The Future is Urban"
Illustration of a river

Focusing on greentech solutions



Scanning existing trees and planting new ones



Regular monitoring of green assets

Blockchain carbon credit offset

scaling up verified carbon credit projects

scaling up verified carbon credit projects

Superior transparency and easy access to CO2 certificates

Unique technology benefiting landowners and offsetters

A green world

Reverse Deforestation

Together we can create a climate-positive economy that restores forests and biodeversity

We achieve it through our digitalization initiative using advanced drone and satellite imagery combining both with AI and Blockchain technology

Our Vision

Tree Protection

Our goal is to develop a powerful near real-time worldwide tree monitoring protection system

We source and tokenize trees as our main carbon credit offsets

Illustration of apartment building

Climate Impact Services

Blockchain distributed ledger technology stores a registry of tree assets, data, and transactions across a public network.


CO2.CAPITAL unlocks finance

Accessible, affordable, and rewarding investments into bankable green assets

CO2.CAPITAL is a financial bridge between carbon emission and carbon sequestration

Our drones are able to scan more than 800'000 trees a day

Our technology digitalizes and protects every single tree


Strategic partnerships

As a regulated entity we leverage our strategic partners to optimize clients' needs

Cumulative 2018–2050 Emissions
Cummulative Reduction Goal
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Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud


The first deadline of the Paris Agreement: 50% net emissions reduction by 2030!

CO2.CAPITAL facilitates your needs for direct carbon credit offset

Every day is cleaner

Setting new standards

Real results will only be achieved if emissions are treated as a market-based activity. We develop unique business models capable of reversing negative climate changes.

Through digitalization, automation, and optimization of every single business-relevant process we can capture more carbon dioxide and deliver more carbon credits faster at a lower price to our partners and businesses looking to voluntarily offset their CO2 emissions

Illustration of a plane
Illustration of a helicopter
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud
Illustration of a cloud is

Greentech Climatetech Fintech

Get your token

Let's keep our mobility clean by planting millions of trees

We will get there together

3 minutes is all it takes!

Home to billions of trees

Stay tune while we are planting some more...
We will be right with you addressing your needs...